The open-access book “Politics of (Dis)Integration”, edited by INTEGRIM fellows Sophie Hinger and Reinhard Schweitzer, was presented at the IMISCOE Spring Conference 2020 in Lisbon
The conference took place at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal, on February 6-7. The conference was entitled “Moving, living, investing and surviving: housing and migrations in uncertain times” and welcomed over one hundred participants, 11 panels and keynote speeches by Jonathan Darling (Durham University) and Thomas Maloutas (Harakopio University).
After a brief introduction by the editors of the underlying aim, the collaborative writing process and the central arguments made in the book, three contributing authors – Tina Magazzini, Amandine Desille and Sarah Nimführ – explained how their chapters operationalise and contribute to the central idea of “politics of (dis)integration”. This presentation was followed by a discussion and critique by Rinus Penninx (University of Amsterdam).