The Mujeres Errantes group, initiated by INTEGRIM Fellow Kitti Baracsi together with Marta Ruffa and Daniela Adarve in 2018 and since that kept going by several other women, invites errant womxn to inhabit their imagination and contribute to the collective diary of imagination.

How do you live in your imagination? How do you feel? Where are you now? With whom? What are you doing?
Send your artwork in the format or language of your preference until the 31st January to the If you feel inspired by the initiative and would like to organise an online or offline session in your local context to make it part of the collective diary, contact them and they will do their best to make it happen together!
Their aim is putting in dialogue personal experiences and desires with transformative experiences of activism, working based on the diary entries, and at the intersection of personal accounts, art and activism.
“At its most superficial, the radical imagination is the ability to imagine the world, life, and social institutions not as they are but as they might otherwise be. It is the courage and the intelligence to recognize that the world can and should be changed. The radical imagination is not just about dreaming of different futures. It’s about bringing those possibilities back from the future to work on the present, to inspire action and new forms of solidarity today.”(The Radical Imagination: Social Research in the Age of Austerity)
To learn more about the call for entries, the Mujeres errantes group and the Errant imaginaries: possible utopias project, visit Tutela Learning Network’s website. Or share the call in your network in different languages.