Work Package 3: Social and Labour Market Integration
Sussex Centre for Migration Research-SCMR (University of Sussex)
October 2nd 2013
The workshop to launch Work Package 3 took place at the University of Sussex on October 3rd 2013, from 10.00 to 17.00, followed by an evening social event. It was well attended by a total of 45 graduate students and faculty and an addition seven visitors to the University. The workshop was opened by Dr Michael Collyer, who provided an overview of the INTEGRIM project. This was followed by short presentations on ongoing research on integration by Professor Viola Zentai from the Central European University and Professor Paul Statham and Dr Linda Tip from the Sussex Centre for Migration Research. The two INTEGRIM fellows in WP3, Reinhard Schweitzer and Cezar Macarie, presented their research outlines in the second session. This was followed by discussion lead by two visiting experts, Professor Alice Bloch of the University of Manchester and Dr Ben Gidley of COMPAS at the University of Oxford. The third and fourth sessions of the day were devoted to longer presentations by visiting experts: Professor Bloch presented on ‘The social and economic separation of refused asylum seekers living as undocumented migrants’ and Dr Gidley gave a presentation entitled ‘Reflecting on doing integration research in Europe’. Each presentation was followed by a very interesting discussion session. Professor Paul Statham closed the day with a reflection on the day’s discussions.