Work Package 1: Identity and Cultural Integration
Thursday, 26th September 2013
University of Deusto (Bilbao)
Room 153, University of Deusto (Bilbao)
In the framework of the 7FP Training Network “Integration and international migration: pathways and integration policies”, the Institute of Human Rights of the University of Deusto is pleased to announce the first scientific thematic workshop organized by the working group on “Identity and Cultural Integration”.
This working group focuses on the social and political challenges raised by the increasing levels of cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religious diversity in Europe and on the problems and/or opportunities that such diversity creates for the integration of migrants. This first workshop aims at discussing the state of the art regarding the different models of immigrant integration, particularly in their relationship with rights and legal standards, as well as the main topics that might hinder that integration processes, particularly perceptions and attitudes vis-à-vis cultural diversity.
The workshop will be a one-day seminar with two sessions.
The morning session (11.00 to 13.15) will host lectures by Frédérique AST (Défenseur des droits, France) and Arkaitz FULLAONDO (IKUSPEGI, Observatorio Vasco de la Inmigración), followed by a discussion.
The afternoon session (15.00 to 17.00) will hold a Round Table discussion for PhD candidates, with Saioa BILBAO, Giulia DI CARLO, José Ramón INTXAURBE, Tina MAGAZZINI and Gorka URRUTIA.
The Workshop is open to professors, lecturers, researchers, PhD candidates and staff from organisations, institutions and public administration with an interest for human rights, diversity management policies, integration policies, public law and political science. Registration is free but required and it includes participants’ lunch.
English is the working language and no translation service is available.
To register, please send an e.mail message to:
stating “WORKSHOP” in the subject and containing the following information:
Name and surname(s):
Position and institution of affiliation:
e.mail address:
mobile phone (optional):
Morning session
11.00 Introduction (Eduardo RUIZ VIEYTEZ, Director of the Institute of Human Rights and I.P. of the INTEGRIM project)
11.15 Inputs and synergies of antidiscrimination law in the field of integration policies (Frederique AST)
12.00 Migrants’ diversity demands and social perception of diversity in the Basque Country (Arkaitz FULLAONDO )
12.45 Debate
13.15 Break
Afternoon session
15.00 – 17.00 Round table for PhD candidates