International conference
Thinking Migration to Rethink the World
21-24 June 2016 – University of Poitiers, Migrinter
Call for papers
The scholarship on migration, relatively scarce until the 80s, is now outstandingly abundant. Migration studies have become a scientific field in its own right, with associated conferences, research centres, international associations, journals and so on. For the last three decades, the MIGRINTER team, whose research agenda includes a variety of issues ranging from human circulation to diasporas and urban mobilities, has marked of its imprint francophone research on international migration.
While taking shape as an autonomous scientific field, migration studies have irrigated and renewed broader social theory. All disciplines are now concerned: geography, history, demography, sociology, anthropology, economy but also linguistics, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies and humanities. A wide array of theoretical and epistemological advancements has been inspired by the analysis of migration dynamics. Postcolonial anthropology, multi-situated approaches, transnationalism, new approaches to identity and global history are some of the scientific areas whose foundation dwells on a critique of the sedentary vision of cultures and societies. Migration studies are the crucible of an alternative to the methodological nationalism that has, for long, underwritten social sciences. This scientific field offers a lens through which mainstream conceptions of state, individual and collective identities, societies, artistic practices, but also our relationship to time and space, can be revisited. This has led some scholars to evoke a “migration paradigm”.
The aim of this conference, celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of MIGRINTER, is to examine the contribution of migration studies to human and social sciences at large. It will feature panels bringing forward some of the scientific domains that have addressed issues pertaining to international migration: the production of cities; the relation of politics to migration and of migrants to politics; history beneath and beyond nations; literature in/of exile.
This conference encourages the participation of migration and non-migration scholars with a view to enhance a cross-fertilizing dialogue between disciplines and theoretical fields.
Abstracts (2000 characters max.) are to be sent before 15 January 2016 at the following address : migrinter30ans@sciencesconf.
Authors will have to specify the panel to which they are applying. Proposals can be in English, French or Spanish.
The scientific committee will notify authors whether their proposal has been selected on the 29 February 2016.
The full text of selected proposals (30 000 characters max.) is expected by 1 June2016.
A selection of papers will also be published in a special issue.
Accommodation and meals (subscription fees included) will be covered by the conference organisers, but participants will have to take in charge their travel expenses.