The Lab is a non-profit organisation constituted by migration scholars and practitioners to provide research services to various stakeholders and groups working on migration, integration and social justice.
INTEGRIM (“Integration and international migration: pathways and integration policies”) was a Marie Skłodowska Curie research training programme developed under the EU Seventh Framework Programme. While the programme ended in 2017, some of the fellows involved in the network set up the Lab as a way to continue working collaboratively and advocate for knowledge-driven policy-making and applied research practices.
The Lab wants to bridge the gap between research, policy-making and practice.
Contact us at:
Amandine Desille
Postdoctoral Researcher in local governance of migrations for the Re-Place project based at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon.
Tina Magazzini
Postdoctoral Researcher in migration and minority rights affiliated with the University of A Coruña (ESOMI) and the Czech Academy of Sciences (Department of Mobility and Migration).
Reinhard Schweitzer
Researcher at Universitat Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona and Reseach Associate at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research (SCMR).
Maria Grazia Montella
Founding Member
Senior Consultant Public Policy in Migration for the European Migration Network at ICF, Brussels. Previously Project Officer for the Inclucities project and Coordinator of Migration and Integration Group at the Council of Municipalities and Regions.
Davide Gnes
Founding Member
Project officer at the Platform for Undocumented Migrants (PICUM). Previously postdoctoral researcher in EU Migration Policy at the Amsterdam Center for European Law and Governance.
Stefano Piemontese
Founding Member
Research Fellow at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity of the University of Birmingham for the project Improving the Living and Labour Conditions of Irregularised Migrant Households in Europe.
Karolina Nikielska-Sekuła
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center of Migration Research (University of Warsaw) and Assistant Professor at the Institute for Regional Studies, Jagiellonian University.
JuanFra Alvarado Valenzuela
Senior researcher in Sociology on the topic of entrepreneurial failure and recovery at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Beatrice Tommasi
MA student specialising in Mediterranean governance at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. She has worked at the Council of European Municipalities and Regions on gender equality, migration and inclusion.
Şahizer Samuk
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Bi Norwegian business school, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour. She is also a stakeholder advisor for ENIS – International Student Mobility Cost Action and an affiliated researcher with IMRC-Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada.
Nina Sahraoui
Nina Sahraoui is Junior Professor at Paris Saclay University and PI of ERC funded project GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG that researches the environmental factors of migration through a gendered lens. Her research is situated at the crossroads of migration and gender studies.
Océane Uzureau
Member of the Mixed Migration Centre Europe in Brussels. Her research revolves around unaccompanied minors’ and youth’s experiences on the move. Océane holds a PhD in Social Work and Social Pedagogy from Ghent University and a MA in International Migrations from Poitiers University-Migrinter.
Sophie Hinger
Postdoctoral researcher interested in border and migration regimes, based at the Institute of Geography of the University of Osnabrück and working for the Collaborative research Centre “Production of Migration”.
INTEGRIM Lab is an association without lucrative purpose (ASBL) registered in Belgium since 2020.